Roads, Transport, Public Works, Housing and Urbanization
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Tana River County has a total of 1,108 Km of classified road network. Out of this, about 55 percent of the total road network is in good condition. Most of the roads are intercepted by seasonal rivers (commonly known as laghas , which make them impassable during the rainy seasons. Although the county produces most of the marketed mango fruits in major towns in the Coast region, most of the produce ends up rotting in farms due to poor road network. The county government therefore, has to allocate adequate resources for scaling up road improvement and opening up new roads.
The overall Goal of the department is to Manage and maintain a standard road network system that serves the interest of the community.
- Vision
To be the leading provider of cost effective, physical infrastructure facilities and services in the nation and beyond.
- Mission
To provide efficient, affordable and reliable infrastructure for sustainable economic growth and development through modernization, rehabilitation and effective management of all infrastructure facilities in the County
Core Values and Principles
- Honesty
- Integrity
- Transparency, accountability and personal responsibility
- Teamwork
Organization of the Department
Directorate Functions & Core Mandate
- Develop and maintain County roads and bridges
- Upgrade and expand County roads network including expanding and upgrading County roads and enhancing road safety
- Manage the development of public transport services for the County
- County fleet management
- Manage public works services for the County
- Maintain all County government buildings, vehicles and public utilities
- Improve roads and drainage systems
- Develop vehicle and plant specifications
- Vehicle and plant servicing
- Technology trainings and demonstration
- Facilitate approval of building plans
- Estate Management
- Housing Infrastructure
- Maintenance of house
- Inventory, registration and rent collection
- Leasing
- Lease with Rent Restriction Tribunal
- Urban areas infrastructure delivery
- Coordinate and administer urban functions of the County; and
- Carry out housing, urbanization, public works and roads research and development.
- Develop and manage efficient drainage systems including improving existing storm water drains development of new drainage systems;
- Formulate Spatial Plans/Local Physical Development Plans, policies, guidelines and strategies to ensure provision of relevant infrastructure/necessary amenities within the towns/ urban centers using participatory and empowering approaches including Preparation of Part Development Plans (PDPs).
- Promote fire safety and make arrangements to provide information and publicity in respect of the steps to be taken to prevent a fire, death by fire, injury by fire or collapse of a building
- Advice on how to prevent fires and restrict their spread in buildings and other property
- Secure the provision of the personnel, services and equipment necessary efficiently to meet all normal requirements
- Secure the provision of training for personnel
- Extinguish fires when they arise